Project-Based Learning with the Education 4.0 Model

 Practical outcome. Holistic growth.

Traditional lecturing with textbooks is a century-old method that, for many have caused ineffective teaching and learning outcomes. The method normally only allows students to memorize information for a short period for the test purpose. Our strategically engineered curricula center around skill-based projects. Students gain hands-on experience by solving coding puzzles, designing mini-games, programming robots, designing coding art projects and much more.

In addtion, our Chinese lessons are designed using the Education 4.0 Model, which helps students develop critical 21st-century soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, complex problem solving, and communication. In order to encourage students to become active life-long Chinese learners, our educators also help students understand their learning styles and provide students with personalized tools, tips, and guidance that they can use to learn Chinese throughout their lives.